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the continued success of Comptel in the region.”
Clarity also has an announcement about subscriber numbers; they’ve just hit the 120 million subscriber mark. Raj Thangiah, Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Clarity, said: “We put our success down to making ourselves tremendously easy to do business with. We’re acutely aware of systems integrators obligations to telcos and in turn, telco’s service obligations to their customers. This milestone of 120 million subscribers is testament to the success of the unified OSS market as a whole as well as a clear endorsement of Clarity’s business model.”
Trango Broadband Wireless has just been awarded a five-year U.S. General Services Administration Schedule 70 contract. What does that mean? It means that Trango will be providing government agencies with IT and telecom products and services that can be ordered and accessed online via the GSA Web sites. Trango is particularly proud that one of the products being offered in this way will be point-to-point licensed and unlicensed microwave wireless backhaul equipment.
Mark Nicholson, CTO of Subex, has been chosen to serve as an Advisory Direction for TM Forum. “I am pleased to continue Subex’s continued and active role in supporting TM Forum and the outstanding job it does to drive innovation and collaboration within the communications industry,” said Nicholson. “I look forward to sharing the knowledge and successes we are achieving every day as Subex and its customers deploy state-of-the-art Revenue Maximization and Fulfillment Solutions that were unheard of just a few years ago.”
“Mark Nicholson, CTO of Subex, has been chosen to serve as an Advisory Direction for TM Forum.”
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