Pipeline Publishing, Volume 4, Issue 1
This Month's Issue:
Come Together:
Fixed-Mobile Convergence
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Media Kit: Sponsorship Opportunities
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• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
• 4 Rates

• 5 Packages
• 6 Materials

Download our Media Kit

Pipeline distributes critical market coverage to thousands of communication professionals each month via the web and a newsletter. With this in mind, we are always open to receiving your feedback, editorial ideas, new technological advances, and of course breaking press releases. To be included in an upcoming issue of Pipeline, please email us at editor@pipelinepub.com.

With carriers announcing billions in new spending initiatives, now is the time to build credibility and send your message through the Pipeline.

Combining editorial and sponsorships are one of the most effective ways to build, deliver, and reinforce a company's message. Pipeline is aligning itself with the OSS/BSS vendors that are clearly the most suitable technology partners or providers to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 landline and mobile carrier markets.

Sponsorship opportunities are designed to build your brand, offer direct marketing functionality, and drive highly qualified sales-leads to your company through a comprehensive, high-visibility program. Pipeline sponsors receive consistent promotion in our monthly e-newsletter, as well as several interactive placements on the Pipeline website. All sponsorship opportunities incorporate brand-building activities, such as:

  • Company profile and logos in the monthly newsletter and on the website with reciprocal links to your company’s website to increase web traffic.

  • Company Advertisements
    embedded within the article pages, which guarantee you views and high visibility by linking directly to your company’s sponsor page. (Placements can be static or animated and can be changed as your corporate message changes.)

  • Sponsor’s page which contains your corporate description, branded content, and your Information Request Form.


"Sponsorship opportunities are designed to build your brand, offer direct marketing functionality, and drive highly-qualified sales leads to your company."

  • Information Request Form, which is a lead generation tool that allows readers to send pre-qualified sales leads directly to your sales team.

  • Up to five items of branded content (Acrobat Files) posted with your company profile to the Pipeline website.

  • Return on Investment (ROI) Report illustrating the number of times your company placements were viewed, number of times your marketing documents were downloaded, and number of times the Information Request Form was viewed and submitted.

Pipeline's Sponsorship Packages feature all the advantages of online advertising that print publications can't. By directly incorporating your company placement into the editorial layout you are guaranteed visibility and the ability to contact those with a direct interest in your services! This insures interactivity for your ads, and doesn't leave you stranded behind a subscription card, a competitor's advertorial or among the classifieds. Further, our readers have the ability to contact you directly through your advertisement making it a direct-sales tool.

To find out more, please contact advertising@pipelinepub.com.

• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
• 4 Rates

• 5 Packages
• 6 Materials

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