Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 12
This Month's Issue:
Standards Make A Stand
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Webinar Series
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2007 Webinar Series

In our informative webinar series we invite a leading service provider and an industry analyst to join the webinar sponsor(s) in a provocative, 360 degree discussion of these timely topics:

 • XoIP - Beyond Triple Play, Beyond Quad Play

 • Optimizing the Deployment of IPTV Services

 • Capitalizing on IMS

 • Exploring Autonomic OSS and Autonomic Networks

 • Fault Management for Tomorrow

For the latest information about webinar topics and dates please write to editor@pipelineub.com

Webinar attendance is free! Pre-register now and reserve your seat.


Past Webinars

Nov. 2, 2006
Streamlining the Delivery of Triple Play Services
To view a recording of this webinar click here


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