Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 12
This Month's Issue:
Standards Make A Stand
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Achieving Data & System Integration Nirvana with SID
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ways in the SID’s deep class hierarchy, such as “mobile phone number.” These computed attributes do not alter the underlying model but can make it much easier for systems analysts and integration developers to work with the SID. In addition, because this approach does not actually alter the underlying model, new versions of the SID can more easily be adopted over time.

It is important for implementation tools to provide this customization without changing the common model itself. In this way the model can remain a standard and be easily upgraded when a new version is published. For example, ensure your technology provider’s tools store all that customized information as metadata separate from the SID model so the SID is unchanged.

Since the SID model will evolve over time as the telecommunication business evolves, the tooling that supports the business analysts that interact with it must be designed to accommodate this change.  The analyst needs to be able to quickly identify any conflicts resulting in the use of a new version of the SID model in their environment and to assess the impact of these changes on their environment.  

Effective implementation tools should be able to map any data item to a SID data item, without requiring any custom coding. Whenever possible it should take advantage of maps that can be reused.  Because the mapping of a given interaction may involve more than one legacy system, the implementation tools should also be able to do content-based transformations that analyze the data at runtime and automatically determine the correct format into which the message must be translated. Content-based transformation is distinct from, but analogous to the content based routing done by a message bus.  The latter ensures that, based ..

It is important for implementation tools to provide this customization without changing the common model itself.


on the content of the message, it is delivered to the right application or service, while the former ensures that the message is in the right format for the service that receives it.


Service providers face increasing pressure to be able to flexibly integrate IT systems in order to rapidly deliver new revenue-generating services and provide an enhanced customer experience. Traditional approaches to integration, even those leveraging newer integration technology, available through ESB and BPM solutions, do not adequately address the challenges of data interoperability in the integration of OSS/BSS. A common data model, implemented to support the real-time exchange of data between systems, is critical to simplify integration and ensure the ability to rapidly reconfigure the integration of systems. The TM Forum’s SID model provides an ideal way for service providers to leverage a comprehensive, industry-standard data model in the integration of OSS/BSS, in support of a true loose coupling between systems and enabling that next significant step in data and systems integration Nirvana.


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