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improvement along with a comparative
realization of what should be the
realistic service goal and therefore
how much improvement should be possible.
Companies contributing their details
to the benchmarking study receive
free access to the results. Benchmarking
results are available for purchase
to other subscribers.
But management systems - OSS and
BSS - have not yet collectively moved
towards concrete measures of five-nines.
Current best practices and vendor
software solutions just do not cut
it; new technology and approaches
are needed to reliably manage and
report on these vast, complex, next
generation networks with their rich
multi-service platforms. Perhaps
the only technological approaches
that will punch OSS performance into
five-nines Carrier-grade are true
service-oriented architectures and
autonomic agents. “The general
approaches for dealing with flaws
are the same for both hardware and
software: (1) prediction and estimation,
(2) prevention, (3) discovery, (4)
repair, and (5) tolerance or exploitation.” [Garland,
CMU] Agents offer a convenient
level of granularity at which to
add redundancy—a key factor
in developing robust systems. “Robustness
can be achieved through redundancy,
and we hypothesize that agents by
being naturally smaller and easier
to program than conventional systems,
are an appropriate unit for adding
redundancy.” [CAI03 Autonomic
Computing Workshop] Agents, when
coupled with service-oriented architectures,
designed upon web-services, .NET,
or RMI, offer a chance to build and
deploy applications and management
systems that themselves are assembled
like networks are assembled from
components. Then, the same principles
of design which allow for network
components to reach six-nines availability
and for networks to perform at full
carrier-grade five-nines can be used
to assemble networks of intercommunicating
software agents.
Last Word
It seems likely that the origin
of five-nines as a telecom standard
came from analyzing “what can
we do?” rather than “what
must we do.” Networks, services
and equipment were much simpler back
then and five-nines while probably
a stretch goal, was achievable in
equipment. Today’s networks,
services, and equipment are much
more complicated and contain 1000’s
of times more physical components
and 100’s to 1000’s of
times more software code. Solid state
components are individually more
reliable and software quality has
arguably improved. The expectation
for equipment is now six-nines or
seven-nines and for software and
servers it is