Pipeline Publishing, Volume 6, Issue 10
This Month's Issue:
The Bandwidth Squeeze
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Pipeline's Guide to CTIA Wireless

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performing at CTIA's evening networking event over at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Of course, everything else you can do in Vegas is probably more entertaining than a Gin Blossoms show.

Thursday, March 25 - Day Three
Thursday is only a half day agenda. It sports an eclectic keynote panel hosted by CNBC reporter Michelle Caruso-Cabrera that includes film director James Cameron, Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone, and Aneesh Chopra, President and CTO for the US Office of Science and Technology Policy. (Stone is frustrated because Chopra's title is just too long to Tweet.)

Chopra's title is just too long to Tweet.

After that it's nothing but femtocells and vendors chatting about mobile advertising. That's your cue to exit. Tell your cabbie to take the short route - not the highway - to the airport and save yourself $20 to throw in a slot machine when your flight gets delayed. And as always, intrepid traveler, may your goings be safe and prosperous.

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