
And while this group of service providers includes rural carriers, the list doesn’t end there.
Comarch, another BSS provider that has gotten into the cloud game, seems to be using the cloud as a method for reaching out to non-traditional service providers who, like their small conventional counterparts, seek a different model for support system delivery.
After the shouting is over, the really interesting stuff will start to happen. |

cloud model of support system delivery
is ideal. The service is virtual. The
payment systems are virtual. Why use
a license-based billing system?
This is a trend we don’t see abating.
Sure, the rhetoric around the cloud will
cool, as all marketing blitzes do.
However, after the shouting is over,

Late in January, Comarch announced that it had supplied its cloud-based billing solutions to fring, the mobile video call and live chat provider. As a result, fring has been able to push its fringOut external calling service, which allows voice calls to be made between fring devices and external lines for about a penny a minute.
This is a particularly interesting development, as fring used a SaaS billing platform from Comarch, and the project also included a partnership with non-traditional-payment-maven PayPal for a sort of trifecta of communications business model paradigm shifts.
In fring we have an example of another
type of service provider for which the

the really interesting stuff will start to
happen. In the coming months, expect
to see the number of service providers
who are drinking their own champagne
(or eating their own dog food,
depending on how positively you want
to view the cloud trend) grow, and to
see more vendors meeting this
growing demand for cloud-based OSS/
BSS solutions with lite versions of their
own solutions designed for the service
provider that has decided, for
whatever reason, to run lean.
Whether we opt to call these hosted OSS/BSS support systems cloud or something-as-a-service or anything else, they may be just the ticket for small and non-traditional service providers.