Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 9
This Month's Issue: 
Delivering the Total Package 
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Media Kit: Materials

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• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
4 Rates
5 Packages
• 6 Materials

Materials requirements
& submission format

Monthly Sponsorships

  • Corporate Description: A 25-word (MAXIMUM) description for the newsletter and and a 75-Word description for the advertisers page.
  • PDF Documents: Up to three PDF documents. These can be brochures, white-papers, case-studies, etc. These will be located on the Advertisers page and available for download.
  • Logo: A large, high-quality gif or jpg version of your company's logo that can be resized for the Pipeline newsletter and ad page.
  • Prequalifiers: Up to 5 pre-qualifiers (custom drop-down menus) for your Information Request Form. Pipeline readers will use this form to contact you directly from the newsletter, advertiser page and ad placements. You can see an example of the information request form here.
  • Sales Email: The Information Request Form is sent to a sales contact at your company. We'll need the address, or addresses, that you will want to use. Typically, this is a Director of Sales.
  • Targeted URL: The URL that you want linked to from your logo. We can link directly to your home or product page, or you might want to create a unique URL to track hits more effectively.
  • Payment: Payment must be received prior to the placement of any advertisements.
  • Artwork: Depending on your selected package, you will need to submit one of the following:

All artwork must meet the specific size requirements for the opportunity you've selected; gif and jpg are the preferred formats. Please submit your materials electronically here. For questions, contact advertising@pipelinepub.com.

• Download our contract

• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
4 Rates
5 Packages
• 6 Materials

Material Submissions

Please submit your materials

Sponsorship Packages

  • Sponsor Description: 400-word content for your exclusive sponsor page (click to view a sample). This can be a boilerplate corporate description, brochure content, or customized content targeted toward the readers of Pipeline. You can send this information in MS Word or email form.
  • Corporate Descriptions: 25-word (MAXIMUM) description for the newsletter.
  • Banner Ads: One for the advertisers page (480 x 75 pixels); and one for the newsletter (400 x 75 pixels)
  • PDF Documents: Up to 5 PDF documents. These can be brochures, white-papers, case-studies, etc. These will be located on your sponsor page and available for download.
  • Logo: A large gif or jpg version of your official corporate logo that can be resized for the Pipeline homepage, banners, and newsletter.
  • Prequalifiers: Up to 5 pre-qualifiers (custom drop-down menus) for your Information Request Form. Pipeline readers will use this form to contact you directly from newsletter, sponsors page and ad placements. As an example, you could have buying timeframe, budget, product interest, etc. set as your prequalifiers. You can see an example of the information request form here.
  • Sales Email: The Information Request Form is sent to a sales contact at your company. We'll need the address, or addresses, that you will want to use. Typically, this is a Director of Sales.
  • Targeted URL: The URL that you want linked to from your logo. We can link directly to your home or product page, or you might want to create a unique URL to track hits more effectively.
  • Payment: Payment needs to be received prior to the placement of any advertisements.
  • Artwork: Depending on your selected package, you will need to submit one of the following (click dimension listings below for examples):



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