
Tuesday Feb. 15th
Morning: Tuesday kicks off with more big names in a pair of keynotes, with CEOs from Vodafone, Telefonica, AT&T, Ericsson, HTC and more. There’s no denying that these are movers and shakers in the mobile world, but not directly OSS/BSS-focused. Still, you have a shot here at hearing what’s going on with your competitors and potential partners/suppliers, which is especially interesting given that 2011 promises to be a pivotal year in the realm of next gen mobile network rollouts.
It’s a pity that so many choice sessions are crammed into the final afternoon of the show. |

like a good time to listen to your heart
and go wherever it may take you.
Evening: With nothing scheduled past 5, now you can knock off to the beach without the slightest twinge of guilt.
Thursday Feb. 17th
Morning: Anyone not at the 11:30 a.m.
session, NFC - Moving Beyond
Payments, is sure to kick themselves in

Afternoon: So important they had to split it over two sessions, the ominously titled “Network Breaking Point” is sure to interest anyone who is more familiar with LTE than their own immediate family.
Evening: Another Live Keynote, this time with Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt. Attend if you’d like, but if you opt to skip in favor of drinks by the beach, you can always google it later…
Wednesday Feb. 16th
Morning: Another pair of impressive lineups at the morning keynotes with CEOs from Cisco, Intel, Yahoo (no I will not include the exclamation point), Nokia, RIM and more. The second keynote, A 360° View on Consumer Electronics, might prove too much to resist for anyone hoping to catch a glimpse of the latest and greatest (fill in the blank), even if it does mean getting up before noon.
Afternoon: A pair of sessions on mobile
advertising might appeal to some, but
without anything OSS/BSS targeted on
the table, Wednesday afternoon looks

the not so distant future once cell
phones have replaced credit cards,
cash and bartering the family cow.
We’re really interested in the business
support underpinnings that must
accompany NFC in order for it to really
take off, and we’ll be interested to see
the extent to which this session covers
that ground.
Afternoon: Talk about being spoiled for choices; there are two sessions on the future of the network and LTE, as well as two more on mobile financial services. But the smart money is on Embedded Utilities: Realizing our Potential at 1:30 p.m. Everyone and their OSS/BSS obsessed mother will want to be in on the ground floor of the smart grid, and this sounds like a good place to start. It’s a pity that these sessions are crammed into the final afternoon of the show, when it seems like all the good meetings are taking place in airport lounges, but if you’re hanging on for another day in Barcelona, there’s plenty to keep you occupied on Thursday.
So bon voyage! Enjoy Barcelona.