Pipeline Publishing, Volume 6, Issue 8
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Management World Americas 2009

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In addition, Roberto Nobile (COO, Cablevision Argentina), Tom Vari (CIO & SVP, Application Delivery, Rogers Communications), and Rodrigo Duclos (CTO, Net Serviços) will discuss the future of the cable industry.

Regulation will be on the tips of many of the tongues at Management World Americas, and the ever-growing consciousness about regulation will be reflected in a panel, featuring Frontier Communications CIO Steve Ward and Attorney Paul Feldman, of Fletcher, Heald, and Hildreth, PLC.  Their panel, entitled "Hype vs. Reality: What is the Role of Regulation in Delivering a 21st Century Digital World?" is sure to be informative.

On a personal note, I'm fortunate enough to have been asked to serve as Master of Ceremonies for the keynote session, so I look forward to seeing all of these speakers, as well as any of you who attend the event, in person (a rare treat in this digital age of ours).

Other Notable Sights

In addition to the formidable keynote lineup, Management World Americas (just as the Nice event in the spring/summer) offers something that few events in the space can:  Bona fide, multi-vendor, concept-driven demonstrations. 

The Catalyst Projects: Bona fide, multi-vendor, concept-driven demonstrations.

- "Service Oriented Transformation", centered around time-honored TM Forum best practices, like NGOSS and eTOM.  Catalyst Project:  "New Generation Data Migration – A Key Enabler for Business Transformation".

- "Defense and Government", focusing on the emerging area of TM Forum Focus I mentioned previously.  Catalyst Project:  "Collaborated E2E Operation and Service Management --  Policy-based Management System Network Interoperability."

- "Customer Experience and Revenue Management", which focuses on that ever-important element of the communications picture:  The person paying the bill and using the service.  Catalyst Project:  "Harmony Phase 5 -- Harmonizing the Standards to Manage Customer Experience".

- "Content and Advertising", which gets at a topic that's at the heart of most discussions about new CSP business models.   Catalyst:  "Mobile Content and Advertising Revenue Management -- Empowering Partnerships - Maximizing Revenue!"

The Catalyst projects, in the words of the Forum, "leverage leading edge IT concepts and couple them with TM Forum Best Practices and Standards to create real, deployable answers to real, bottom-line challenges."  That's this event's real differentiator, in my opinion.  The focus on and agreement in the existence of real, bottom-line challenges.  It seems elementary, but many events have gotten away from such practical matters as demonstrably meeting legitimate business challenges.

There are five Catalysts being demonstrated at the event, and each one takes place in a different "zone" of the Forum's demonstration area, dubbed Forumville.  The zones, and their catalysts, are as follows.

- "Cloud Initiative", focusing on the exciting world of cloud computing.  The catalyst being explored in this area is "Service Model Catalyst-- Getting Telecom to Cloud 9".

All of these projects are sure to provide some excellent information and demonstration to participants from CSPs and vendor companies, alike.


The Management World Americas event will be taking place December 8-10, 2009.  If you're reading this on the 7th, there may still be time to head down to Orlando to join the rest of the participants.  For our part, we're eager to see how this year's event pans out.  If it lives up to expectations, in this economy, it's got a bright future of continued utility.  If not, it will join the ranks of events that have fallen victim to shifting business models and tighter pursestrings. 

Time will tell.

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