Pipeline Publishing, Volume 2, Issue 7
This Month's Issue: 
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Editorial Opportunities:
Editorial Calendar

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• 1 Opportunities
• 2 Distribution
• 3 Ed Calendar
• 4 Submissions

Information about Pipeline's distribution and editorial calendar for 2006 are under revision and will available in the coming weeks.

Editorial Calendar 2005

Pipeline's 2005 Editorial Calendar focuses on critical issues the OSS industry must address collectively. Always committed to keeping our readers in the loop, Pipeline invites those from all walks of the OSS industry to submit ideas for articles that are timely and relevant, regardless of what monthly themes we state today.

May: New Billing Solutions / Special Distribution Issue: SuperComm 2005

SUPERCOM/Global Com Coverage
Pipeline to be distributed to over 8,000 attendees at SuperComm 2005 in Chicago
Award Winning OSS Software
Billing Systems
Billing/OSS Integration

June: Convergence / Special Distribution Continues

Pipeline Partners with SuperComm 2005
Triple Play
Fixed Mobile Convergence
Next Generation: Convergence

July: Next-Gen IP TV

OSS Migration for Next Generation Services
Interactivity: The Key to Telco TV/VoD
Provisioning Triple-play Services

August: VoIP Integration Solutions

VoIP Provider Comparison
VoIP Regulatory Update
IP Integration
Delivering and Managing VoIP Services

"Pipeline invites those from all walks of the OSS industry to submit ideas for articles that are timely and relevant..."

Ethernet Telecom 05 Conference


October: Wireless and Wi-Max

Wireless OSS
Fixed Mobile Convergence
Delivering Wireless Apps

November: Customer Care

OSS's Impact on the Customer Experience
Order Fallout
Proactive Customer Service
Fault Management

December: FTTP/H

Cable vs. Fiber
Broadband Services
Next Generation Applications
Market Recap - 12 months of OSS wins
Send any editorial comments/suggestions to editor@pipelinepub.com.

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